Statutory Information.

Ethos and Values

Mission Statement
  • To provide a safe, welcoming, caring and supportive environment in which enjoyment, citizenship and positive attitudes to learning are central to the ethos of the school.
  • To promote basic skills of literacy and numeracy to the highest standards in every area of the curriculum, so that all pupils achieve their full educational and economic potential in life.
  • To ensure that the education the children receive is purposeful and relevant within a broad and balanced curriculum, and includes the celebration of pupils’ individual talents and achievements. To constantly improve pupil performance by setting and communicating challenging targets for pupils for achievement and behaviour.
  • To constantly improve school performance by setting and communicating
    challenging targets for staff to improve standards.
  • To value all members of the school community, promote equality of
    opportunity and access to the curriculum for all pupils, developing the skills
    and attitudes necessary for pupils to take responsibility for their own learning
    and behaviour.
  • To nurture links with parents/carers encouraging them to play an active role in
    their children’s learning.
  • To provide a foundation for life in the school and the wider community by
    promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils,
    enabling them to become good citizens.
  • To positively promote and educate about a healthy lifestyle.
  • To use the financial resources available to the school to provide the highest
    possible levels of staffing and resources as well as good accommodation and

Download Prospectus.



PE Sports Premium Funding
The government has provided funding to improve the provision of physical education
(PE) and sport in primary schools since September 2013. This funding equates to
approximately £150 million per year across the country. The funding is based on the
number of pupils in years 1 to 6.
Here at Prudhoe West because we are a First School, this is based on years 1 to 4.
During 2015/16 Prudhoe West First School will receive £9,127.
Physical Education (PE) develops pupils’ physical competence and confidence, and
their ability to use these to perform in a range of activities. It promotes physical
skilfulness, physical development and knowledge of the body in action. Physical
education provides opportunities for pupils to be creative, competitive and to face up
to different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams. It promotes positive
attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles. Pupils learn how to think in different
ways to suit a wide variety of creative, competitive and challenging activities. They
learn how to plan, perform and evaluate actions, ideas and performances to improve
their quality and effectiveness. Through this process, pupils discover their aptitudes,
abilities and preferences, and how to make choices about getting involved in lifelong
physical activity.
As a result we are very proud of our sports provision at Prudhoe West First School
where sport plays a significant role across school with the aim to provide the best
opportunities for all of our children. Sporting provision is fully inclusive and involves
competitive & non-competitive sport. We embrace all aspects of PE and sport. Our
curriculum and provision includes dance, gymnastics, games and multi-skills.
The impact of our PE and Sports provision is that all children take part in Sport
whatever their age or ability. We track attendance at clubs and adapt our provision to
ensure boys and girls have equal access. We have a rising attendance at clubs and
are aware of talents that would otherwise not be noticed. Coaches recognise talent
and suggest routes for children to follow. Our staff work in partnership with sports
professionals, developing their skills and knowledge and allowing children to access
sports previously not offered, such as tennis, cricket and tag rugby.
We have planned to spend the 2015/16 funding as follows:
 hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with
teachers and children when teaching PE
 Increase all children’s participation in PE through new or additional clubs.
 paying for professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and
 providing cover to release teachers for professional development in PE and
 running sport competitions, and increasing pupils’ participation in the School
 buying quality assured professional development materials for PE and sport
 pooling the additional funding with that of other local schools to provide
further sporting opportunities, such as festivals.
 Implement activities to supplement the PE and sport already established in
 Purchase of sports equipment


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Contact the Admissions Office.

  • 555.555.1234
  • Student Union, Office 21