
Each week, we share a book with the children from Year 1 - Year 6. These books are carefully chosen as they focus on a variety of important themes that address values that we uphold here at Shaftoe and the Protected Characteristics set out by the Equalities Act. We introduce the book at the start of the week, talk about the themes and how they relate to our life at school and in the wider world and then display the book with our other special books so we can go back and read them all again. 

Our assemblies also focus on the Fundamental British Values and sometimes these even link to the stories that we’ve shared. Each month we have a new value for our focus so there is lots of discussion planned in order for us to understand the importance of the Fundamental British Values along with other values that we feel are important, such as, resilience, perseverance, empathy. 

We also have a calendar of significant events that run alongside our assemblies. The events are varied so one week we might be engaging in discussion about Shakespeare (when celebrating his birthday) or celebrating the achievements of women throughout history (as part of International Women’s month) 

We always end the week with a celebration assembly where our achievements are recognised, shared and celebrated. 

Academic Year 2020-2021

Academic Year 2021-2022

Academic Year 2022 - 2023