Promoting Positive Behaviour

We want our school to be a happy and orderly environment in which children can learn and develop as caring and responsible people.

At WISE Academies we strive to ensure that all children are treated fairly by staff and other children alike. We want our learning environment to feel safe and secure, so that children can feel confident to be themselves and develop in their own way.

Our School Rules

  • Be Kind
  • Be Respectful
  • Be Driven
  • Be Caring
  • Be Honest

Behaviour Ambassadors

Our Behaviour Ambassadors act as role models within our school and help to promote our school rules, values and ethos. They need to demonstrate our values in all that they do, and play a vital role in implementing the school rules set out in our Behaviour Policy. 

Children who constantly demonstrate positive behaviour choices can be chosen to take on the position of Behaviour Ambassador by their peers in a democratic vote. Their role is then to help encourage and reward good behaviours to learning in and outside of the classroom. 

With support, the Behaviour Ambassadors will help to engage the younger children in games and encourage them to play collaboratively with others. They will also look out for anyone sitting on the ‘Buddy bench’ and offer to play games with them too if they’re feeling lonely. 

The Code of Conduct for Behaviour Ambassadors is:

  • To demonstrate our school rules at all times
  • To be aware of any child(ren) who look like they’re in need of a friend 
  • To listen and support children who may have worries or concerns
  • To role model exemplary behaviour
  • To be able to suggest ideas for games and activities for other children to do on the yard
  • To be a role model for others
  • To encourage other children 

The Behaviour Ambassadors at Shaftoe are children who have displayed exemplary behaviour and who always try their best. 

They meet on a regular basis with a member of staff to discuss their role, share ideas on how we can improve further and feedback any messages to the children in their class. 

Look out for any children wearing a Behaviour Ambassador badge as they will be more than happy to support you, play with you or suggest activities and games that you can play so that you are never sad during break times.

A copy of the Shaftoe Home School Agreement can be found here

A copy of the Behaviour and Discipline Policy can be found here

What is Bullying?

There is no legal definition of bullying, but it is usually defined as repeated behaviour which is intended to hurt someone either emotionally or physically. Bullying can happen anywhere: at school, travelling to and from school, in sporting teams, in friendships or family groups or in the workplace.

Bullying can take many forms including:

  • physical assault
  • social bullying
  • threatening behaviour 
  • name calling
  • cyberbullying

Our curriculum at Shaftoe Trust Academy ensures that our children understand that there are different kinds of bullying and what to do if they feel that they are being bullied.

When a child or parent reports bullying to the school, we look at the reported incident individually.

In many cases, what is reported is often a simple fall out between friends which has been misinterpreted. Children are supported through ‘conflict resolution’ by staff, and helped to understand the difference between ‘falling out’ and bullying’. 

On other occasions, the perpetrator may not be aware that their behaviour is actually bullying. They are perhaps modelling the behaviour of adults or other children and young people, not understanding that it is wrong because they have never been taught otherwise. In these circumstances, the intent to bully may not be present, but the impact and effect on the person being bullied will be no less severe because of this. It is explained to the child bullying that their behaviour is unacceptable and why.  Support is also given to the bullied child to ensure they understand what has happened and how they will be protected from further incidents.

Bullying can affect children in different ways and supporting them to overcome negative feelings is always our primary concern. If they are unable to respond effectively and regain their sense of self and control in the situation, adults will support to help restore it. 

If you suspect that your child is being bullied, do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of staff.  We will always do whatever we can to make a child's situation better. Along with our WISE Academies Family, we have developed a range of policies and procedures that enable us to take swift action to investigate allegations of bullying and put support in place for all concerned to eradicate the undesirable behaviour and offer support.  Policies available include:

  • Anti-bullying policy
  • Anti-cyberbullying policy
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Children policy

These can be found here.

Bullying is neither accepted nor tolerated at Shaftoe Trust Academy.  Working together with children and families, we can make things better for everyone.