CSI Prudhoe West!

David GardinerUncategorized

You can imagine the Reception children’s surprise when, one morning, we came into our classroom to find it had been broken into and made a mess of. The porridge oats from the kitchen had been stolen! There was porridge everywhere, a chair was broken and lots of items had been dropped by the criminal. The children were desperate to find out who it could be, so we investigated clues and after some discussion we came to the conclusion that it could be Goldilocks! After an intensive search of the outdoor area, creating ‘Wanted’ posters and a description of the suspect, we managed to catch her and interview her and some of her other victims – the three bears.

After she confessed, we gave Goldilocks some hints about writing an apology to her victims, and wrote out instructions for how to catch a porridge thief, in case it ever happens again…