
Welcome to the parent/carer section of our website, We hope you find the information useful.

Like you, we want your child’s education to be amazing! On this page we’ll keep you informed of key events coming up and exciting things that have happened.

This page is also useful to help answer questions you may have;information about admissions, uniforms, the way learning is organised, the Curriculum… everything is somewhere on this page! If you want to find out about things your child is doing in class at the moment, jump to the year group they’re in at the top of the page.

Our mission: To provide high quality education to the community which offer life changing opportunities in a safe, creative, exciting environment. All are valued and inspired to flourish and grow as individuals, learning is believing the sky is the limit


Prudhoe West Academy is a non-selective school for the local community. As such, the admissions policy reflects the locally co-ordinated admissions scheme. After admitting students with a statement of SEN, followed by ‘Looked After’ children, the admissions policy for the Academy prioritises brothers and sisters of children at the school and those living closest to the Academy. Our admissions policy is available below.

Please note: the allocation of a Nursery place DOES NOT guarantee a Reception place and parents must still follow the admissions process detailed below.


Admissions for Nursery are handled by the school.

Application Forms are available from the school or from the Form Downloads section of the website. This should be completed and returned directly to the school in paper format.

Usually children are admitted to Nursery the September after their third birthday. Application forms are accepted from birth.

The policy for allocation of places is available from the school by request.

Reception and Transfers

Admissions for Reception, and transfers from other schools, are co-ordinated by the local authority.

Your child will start in Reception the September after their fourth birthday. Parents should apply for a Reception place in the Autumn Term (approximately October) prior to this.

Details of how to apply can be found here


Prudhoe West Academy is part of Wise Academies. In addition to a Local Governing Body, a Board of Directors oversees the work of the Academy, and takes a close interest in its performance and provision.  Further details can be found here .

We are always keen to hear from parents/carers who would be interested in becoming a member of the Governing Body; please get in touch via the ‘Contact Us’ page if you’re interested.

Our Governance information can be found over on the trust governance website here

After School Clubs/Community Use

Here at Prudhoe West, we like to give as much opportunity to your children to enjoy other activities out of school. We have several different activities running on site as follows (as of September 2014):

After School

KS2 Gymnastics, Monday 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm £3.00 per session, contact Gayle Crowell 07872 325 499
Multiskills: Currently Y3/4 Dodgeball. Tuesday 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm no charge – contact school
KS1 Gymnastics, Wednesday 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm £3.00, contact Gayle Crowell 07872 325 499
Lingotots Spanish Club, ages 5-9, Wednesday 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm £3.50 per session – contact school office for more information
Karate Friday, 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm £3.00 per session – contact Wayne Bond 07787 145 497

NB: Staff at Prudhoe West also regularly run lunchtime or after school clubs which vary from term to term. This information will be circulated via the school weekly newsletter.

Community/ Westworld – for further information please contact Waterworld on 01661 833144

Trampolining, Tuesday 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm
Gymtots Year 1 Wednesday 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm
Gymnastics, Wednesday 4.45 pm – 7.30 pm
Gymnastics, Friday 4.00 pm – 8.30 pm
Gymnastics, Saturday 9.30 am – 1.30 pm

Please check the website for changes to provision. Changes will also be sent out via the school Newsletters.


WISE Policies

School Specific Policies