Reception Update

David GardinerUncategorized

Welcome back to everyone after the Easter break, we hope you all had a happy and healthy Easter – the children all seem to have had a bit of a growth spurt just in time for our new topic ‘Let’s Think Big!’

This week the children have been exploring our new ‘Dino Dig’ and Dinosaur explorer area. We have been talking about what we want to know about dinosaurs, and drawing out a concept map of questions that we are going to find the answers to across the next two weeks…questions range from what did they look like, what did they eat and drink? We are also curious to find out what were the names of the dinosaurs, did they look like their parents when they were babies and how did they move, and what were their homes like? We are going to use different ways of finding out the answers to our questions. The children thought that using Google and reading books, and also asking grown ups, were some of the best ways to find things out – we hope you are prepared at home!