Year 4 – Crystal Conundrum

David GardinerUncategorized

On Tuesday 28th February 2017, children in Key Stage 2 were lucky enough to have a visit from Liz Bailey, maths consultant, and the Crystal Conundrum. The children received a letter from the King of Conundrum who desperately needed their help. He had dropped his magical crystal into a water fountain and needed their help to reach it. The children had to solve various mathematical problems in order to win crystals to place in the fountain and raise the water level. They worked in pairs to solve over 40 maths puzzles and win marbles. All 3 groups successfully managed to solve the Crystal Conundrum and save the ruby red crystal. The children loved using their mathematical skills to solve the problems, all of which were practical and fun! They also showed off their team work and resilience skills by never giving up -well done Key Stage 2, a fabulous day for all!